Thursday, October 25, 2007

cotton and cupcakes, oh my.

i got new fabric in the mail yesterday!!! i love the way it looks all folded, crisp and untouched. it makes me happier than a new Green & Black's chocolate bar.
speaking of chocolate, we made Maddog's cupcakes for her to take to school today on her freakin THIRTEENTH birthday...a tradition that Mr Ethos and I look forward to each year...baking til the wee hours to produce THE PERFECT CUPCAKE. and he he also made this little fingercake...just to make sure the icing hadn't gone bad after 5 minutes. way to look out for the kids, mr ethos.

1 comment:

Emotional Mullet said...

Love the pictures. esp. #2. neato.

She's crafty - she's gets around
She's crafty - she's always down
She's crafty - she's got a gripe
She's crafty - and she's just my type
She's crafty ...